Dangers of Asbestos

23 July 2014
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As many as 1 in 3 Australian homes contain asbestos and many people are completely unaware of its dangers to our health. If you are thinking of renovating your home and you suspect your home may contain asbestos then make sure you are aware of how to safely manage it in and around your home.

Asbestos is a fibrous silicate material that was considered a useful product as it is able to withstand erosion, decay as well as having water and fire resistant properties. Due to its versatility it was was widely used in a huge range of building materials right up until the mid 1980’s. If you home was built or renovated before 1987 it is very likely that you will have asbestos in your home.

If asbestos is disturbed it becomes a health risk when fine asbestos fibres are released into the air and breathed in. A huge range of products were made from bonded asbestos cement including fibro sheeting, drainage and flue pipes, roofing shingles and guttering and also vinyl sheet floor coverings. Removing asbestos is a very dangerous process that is best taken care of by licenced professionals.


The Dangers

  • There is no such thing as safe exposure to asbestos fibres.
  • When working with asbestos you must follow safety precautions, otherwise you are putting yourself and your family at risk.
  • Inhaling dust that contains asbestos fibres can cause many health issues such as lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma
  • Rates of Malignant mesothelioma (an incurable cancer) is expected to rise between 2012 – 2020
  • Symptoms of asbestos dust related diseases do not usually appear until about 20 – 30 years after the first exposure to asbestos
  • The average time between exposure and developing mesothelioma is about 45 years


If asbestos fibres remain firmly bound in a solid cement sheet or structure, generally you do not need to remove the asbestos and if they are left undisturbed they are not a significant health risk. If you have asbestos bonded products in your home that are good condition, make sure you leave them be but check on them every so often to be sure there is no wear and tear.

Unless you take the safety precautions, make sure that you do not disturb the asbestos in any way that could cause any exposure to dust. If asbestos materials are in good condition, you can paint them and then leave them be.

Protect your family and hire our team here at Lightweight Roofing to assist with the removal of Asbestos from your home. With our top of the line safety equipment and knowledgeable tradesmen, we can help you protect your family by eliminating the risk of exposure to asbestos.